Attendees of our courses: meet Georgios
We want to hear stories from our students! How they have found our courses and what kind of things they have taken away from there. Our coach Ansku interviewed Georgios Leventopolous and here is his story!

Contact person

Anna-Elina Pekonen
Ansku interviewed Georgios and wrote this story.
Hey – who are you?
My name is Georgios Gerasimos Leventopoulos and I have always had a passion for technology and an interest to understand how things work. I found out the HUBS courses and later I found them very interesting and very practical for life. The Introduction to Entrepreneurship course gave me the chance to expand my knowledge about entrepreneurship and express my feelings and interests in business ideas.
Originally, I am almost done with my studies in the Computer Science Department at the University of Crete in Greece. I attended the Computer Science Exchange Student for the one-semester program at Tampere University and I enjoyed it. I learned very useful knowledge about entrepreneurship and Computer Science. Also, I recently got a job at Nokia, Espoo, Finland as a Software Testing Engineer, and I think that Tampere University courses helped me a lot on that.
I am interested in using technology to make the world a better place and improve people’s lives. Technology is good and can help in many different aspects of human life when it is used in a good way. My motto in life is “Be the change you want to see in the world” because everything starts with you.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Georgios’ motto
Thoughts on entrepreneurship
An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. What comes to entrepreneurship, one should first identify a problem then create a company that solves this problem. I think it is a good career path, even though it is not for everyone. I think I will try to do something related to entrepreneurship in the future and see how it goes.
Experience from HUBS courses
When I got to Tampere University as an exchange student, I was trying to find a way to take the most useful and practical courses that I can. Many of my friends suggested the HUBS online courses, so I thought I would give them a shot. I ended up taking 5 HUBS online courses and enjoying all of them. The courses that I took were: Being a sustainable Entrepreneur – Micromodule, Self-Branding, Student Self-Leadership, Modern Digital Selling, and Modern Digital Marketing
Flexible and practical courses
I think all these courses were very useful and practical and I enjoyed taking them. All these courses were online, so I had the chance to do them at my own pace. That meant without having the pressure from anyone to finish tight deadlines. This gave me the flexibility to think about my life choices and express my imagination. One of the highlights of the Introduction to Entrepreneurship course was that real entrepreneurs are talking and sharing their experiences. They adviced the students. This is very important because practical experience is always better than theory.
In these courses, I learned how to create a personal brand, how to manage my time, how to do digital marketing and digital selling of a product or service, how to start a business, and how to be a sustainable entrepreneur. I think the best lessons from these courses were to not be afraid to be creative and express yourself because if you have a good idea about a business, it might end up useful for other people. Also, to not be afraid to fail. The most challenging thing about these courses was to manage your time effectively to finish the courses on time and be able to communicate online with other people.

Are you planning to continue your entrepreneurial journey?
Right now, I want to see how a big business operates, so I have an idea if I want to start my own in the future. That was one of the reasons why I started working at Nokia. I wanted to see new things about how a real business operates. And also to expand my Computer Science knowledge and improve my skills. It is a fact that these courses have developed my entrepreneurial skills. They have even given me a direction about ideas that I am planning to implement in the future.
From my point of view, trying to balance studying and being an entrepreneur can be quite challenging. However, I believe that is doable. Also, the University years are very good for trying new things and experimenting with what you like. A lot of successful businesses started from university students that had an idea in their mind and continued with the implementation of this idea during their university years. So yes, combining studying and being an entrepreneur is possible.
Future plans
Right now, I am starting a new job at Nokia as a Software Testing Engineer. For now I want to learn more about Computer Science and CyberSecurity. In the future, I also want to do a Master’s in Computer Science or Cyber Security. I would want to start my own online business, which will solve real-world problems.
Greetings for other students
In my opinion, online learning is very good and flexible for students. They can manage their time alone and adjust when they are going to work (self-management). It is important for students that want to try entrepreneurship studies to try new things, talk with other people and try to identify problems that want to solve. Also, they should overcome the fear of failure because failure is part of any success story.
Study calendar
Start with these

Being a sustainable entrepreneur
Do you want to become a socially and environmentally conscious professional?
- Enrollment open
- Credits 1
Start with these

From Expert to Entrepreneur
Learn how to describe your knowledge, skills and competencies! Inspiring videos, articles, canvases and reflections!
- Enrollment open
- Credits 1
Start with these

Futures Studies and Foresight Methods
Learn the basics of futures studies and foresight research methods!
- Enrollment open
- Credits 1

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