Four students sitting on opposite sofas and talking , at a campus cafè

First time at HUBS course?

Welcome to study at HUBS – it’s great to have you on board! Please familiarize yourself with this page before the start of your team studies, so you know what to expect. We also hope for commitment from our students.

How might HUBS team studies differ from your other studies?  

First, familiarize yourself with HUBS’ Code of Conduct video (3:25), during which you will learn about:

HUBS Code of Conduct -video with English subtitles

What we expect from our students

  • Commitment to course schedules: Be present and contribute to your team and coaching meetings.
  • For eight-week / 5-credit courses, prepare for approximately 15 hours of weekly work.
  • Engage in dialogue: Be present, participate reciprocally, listen, and allow space for discussion.
Two people smiling.

Coaches at your service!

We coaches are here to support you throughout your learning experience and help you and your team achieve your goals. Your feedback, ideas, and thoughts about the project and the course are highly valuable to us. Feel free to reach out to your coach anytime – we are here for you!

Contact person

Kaisa Kokko


+358 50 337 3259

Future Board Practices
Sprint Innovation Festival

Contact person

Maria Ruokonen

Team coaching Specialist

Go-to-Market -plan

Contact person

Raúl Berlanga Zarate


+358 44 328 7726

HUBS Pre-Incubator

Contact person


Sanna Tahlo


+358 50 454 2262

Online course coordination
Building an Entrepreneurial Portfolio