Open Badges – a tool for showing your skills

Check out the entrepreneurship badges of Tampere Universities and highlight your expertise!

What is an Open Badge?

Digital Open Badges can be used to identify and recognise competence in a new way. The digital badge is an electronic and visual proof of competence, and its purpose is to make one’s own competence visible to others.

With HUBS’s badges, members of the Tampere University community can demonstrate their expertise in entrepreneurship-related themes. You can apply for some of the badges directly after completing HUBS courses!

Why should I apply for a badge?

With Open badges:

The badge can be displayed, for example, in your LinkedIn profile or it can be added as an attachment to your CV!

Questions about the badges?

Please read the instructions carefully first. You can contact Maria if you can’t find the answer to your question!

Contact person

Maria Ruokonen

Team coaching Specialist

Contact Maria with questions about the open badges.