
Discover how we feel about higher education students and entrepreneurial skills!

Every higher education student needs entrepreneurial skills.

Entrepreneurial skills are a tool for influencing, changing or developing things that are perceived as important.

Seizing opportunities, problem-solving and creativity, and embracing uncertainty are some of the entrepreneurial skills needed by an expert innovator. As a University, our role is to provide opportunities for developing these skills for working life and paving the way for self-employment.

Entrepreneurial skills enable you to build a pathway of your own making that draws on your personal strengths.

With us you will learn

We believe in

Maantie keskellä metsää, tien pää häviää sumuun.

1) Accepting uncertainty

I don’t yet know everything and know how. And I’m still doing.

Kaksi hymyilevää nuorta ihmistä seisoo vierekkäin ja muodostavat sormista silmälasit kasvoilleen.

2) The art of failure

I accept that experiments do not always lead to success, but you learn from them every time.

3) Accepting and encouraging atmosphere

which I build with my own actions and which I get to enjoy.

Käsi pitelee jäätelötötteröä taivasta vasten. Pilvenhattarasta muodostuu töttörön päälle pehmytjäätelön näköinen kuvio.

4) Creativity

I want to do things differently and better.

Kolme nuorta ihmistä hyppää kiveltä ilmaan, kädet ilmassa heiluen.

5) Open and playful attitude

I’m really trying, but I don’t take things too seriously.

Kaksi vihkoa ja puhelin pöydän päällä. Käsipari, toinen käsi kirjoittaa kynällä vihkoon.

6) Change is created by doing

Join the change makers and create your own path!

Entrepreneurial skills – for you, to create an impact.

If you also want to join change makers, check out our study offering and start strenghtening your entrepreneurial skills.

Study calendar

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Start with these

Foundations of Entrepreneurship

Foundations of Entrepreneurship is a course that invites you to explore entrepreneurship from various perspectives. A great basic course on entrepreneurship, no matter what your own field is!

  • Enrollment open
  • Credits 5

Start with these

From Expert to Entrepreneur

Learn how to describe your knowledge, skills and competencies! Inspiring videos, articles, canvases and reflections!

  • Enrollment open
  • Credits 1