From Expert to Entrepreneur
24H Online Library | Sustainable Entrepreneurship Studies (TAU.YHT.KEYR)
Have you thought that through entrepreneurship you could utilize your skills and abilities in an inspiring way?
Do you find describing your knowledge, skills and competences difficult?
This short course provides you with some insights on how to describe your knowledge, skills and competencies. You will explore videos, articles, canvases, dialogue and and reflection as tools to get to the bottom of your own ways to build your future!
This course is part of HUBS 24H Online Library. You can choose these 1 credit courses as many as you like and work on your skills also in self-leadership, sustainable entrepreneurship and sales & marketing.
You can complete the course either in Finnish or in English. To change the language, click on the Moodle profile picture ⭢ Language.
From Expert to Entrepreneur course consists of three different sections and feedback.
1. Identify your skills
2. Describe your skills
3. Take your skills into practice
& Feedback
This short course provides you with some insights on how describing your knowledge, skills and competencies. You will explore videos, articles, canvases, dialogue and and reflection as tools to get to the bottom of your own ways to build your future!
After completing the course you:
- will understand the key elements of identifying and describing your knowledge, skills and competences
- will know how to take your expertise into practice as entrepreneur or employee
- will know how to apply your possibilities in your future working life
This is a non-stop course and you can enroll anytime you want. You will study independently in your own pace.
Approved when you have demonstrated successful work towards the learning outcomes: you understand the main aspects of identifying and describing your knowledge, skills and competences. You can assess your own skills and connect them to your career plans. You have completed the learning assignments in Moodle.
Failed if you have not succeeded in understanding the phenomena of identifying and describing your knowledge, skills and competences. You have not mastered the learning outcomes in a way that you could describe the required skills and asses your own capabilities. Not completing all learning assignments in Moodle.
You can start the course right away on Moodle. You don’t have to wait to be accepted on the course, you can start studying when you want.
In order to get the credits, you also have to sign up officially in Pakki (TAMK Students) / Cross-Institutional Service (TAU Students). Please note that during the holiday seasons there are delays in the awarding of credits.
Execution starting on 1.8.2024
The course on Moodle
Key to sign up is Expert25
The course includes a guest lecture by Linnea Saari.
You will also hear stories of entrepreneurs from our network:
Jussi Laurila
Valtteri Korkiakoski
Sini Havukainen
Course information
Credits: 1 ects
Course code: NN00HD35-3001
Study method: Independent work
Experience level: Start with these
Location: Online
Date: Non-stop
Organizer: HUBS
This is a non-stop course and you can start the course on Moodle right away. You will study independently in your own pace.
TAMK students
Pakki + course code NN00HD35-3001.
TAU students
Cross-institutional service + course code NN00HD35 3001.
Problems with Cross-Institutional Service? Check out our video.
Open UAS
This course is also available via Open University of Applied Sciences.
Contact person
Contact person

Sanna Tahlo
I coach at HUBS in Building an entrepreneurial portfolio, online studies and I am working with the best study week of the year, the Sprint Innovation Festival!
My heart beats for exercise, learning, thinking and people.
Contact person

Linnea Saari
Visiting lecturer
Entrepreneur & specialist in competence development
Contact person

Jussi Laurila
Visiting lecturer
Entrepreneur & Tampere Alumni