Year at HUBS: Three insights into working life
HUBS Community Coordinator Ira joined the HUBS team in January 2023 after completing her Master’s degree in Lifelong Learning and Education at the University of Tampere. Now, capture Ira’s insights into working life from her first year at HUBS!
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Ira Salminen
Community Coordinator
The author is grateful that HUBS has provided a secure platform to grow and develop as an professional.
In November-December 2022, having just submitted my master’s thesis, I was eagerly searching for jobs as I was about to graduate with a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences. Fortunately, and to my delight, I didn’t have to transition out of the familiar environment, as I started working as a Community Coordinator at HUBS in January 2023.
Here are a few thoughts on working life that have surfaced during my first job anniversary! Whether you are just starting your studies, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional, these perspectives could be beneficial for you as well. Especially insight number 3 is crucial for everyone!
1. Don’t worry, you will learn by doing
Perhaps a cliché, but that’s just the way it is. While theory is important, it gains its true meaning only in practice. My own generalist studies in educational sciences didn’t prepare me for a specific profession but rather provided the ability for broad thinking and skills to interact with people. I recognize that a recent graduate with a generalist background may think they have not learned anything.
Concrete actions and experiments teach more than theory alone. Are you considering social media content creation but hesitant to dive into it because you think your skills aren’t good enough? Your skills can’t develop unless you start experimenting to see what works! From my own experience, it’s amusing to look back at the development of my skills on HUBS’ social media channels.
Don’t be afraid to seize various opportunities, as the best lessons come from practice!

2. Entrepreneurship is one way to influence the surrounding world and society
I will admit, that during my studies, I wasn’t interested in entrepreneurship or entrepreneurial skills. Precisely because I hadn’t understood that entrepreneurship could be my way of making an impact on the world. I never saw it as a potential career option.
A year in the field of entrepreneurship education has taught me that entrepreneurship is more than just that famous business ID – it’s an attitude and a mindset. I would like this to be understood more broadly in higher education as well: an entrepreneurial attitude can exist even in traditional employment: It will manifest as proactiveness and a desire to improve the work environment or processes for instance. All employees can benefit from entrepreneurial skills: How to navigate creatively in a rapidly changing environments? How to tolerate uncertainty? How to approach things from new perspectives?
Let’s finally move beyond the stereotype that entrepreneurs are solely driven by money and power or that entrepreneurship inevitably means a 60-hour workweek. I personally see entrepreneurship as an opportunity to pursue meaningful goals and build a work culture that motivates and supports well-being. Entrepreneurship should generate positive impact for people around us and for our environment and planet.

During the past year, I’ve encountered many entrepreneurial stories. It’s a great way to expand your understanding of entrepreneurship by hearing experiences from individuals that are actually relatable for you. In my opinion, the most inspiring stories are those where the entrepreneur’s enthusiasm shines through, along with honest discussions about both the positive and challenging aspects of their work.
Do societal issues frustrate you, or perhaps some everyday thing just doesn’t work like you think it should? For example, Ella was frustrated by the lack of proper work training for young graduates and interns. It is common that behind your idea there has been a thought lingering for a long time. Have you ever considered that entrepreneurship could be the way to address and solve such issues?
It is common that behind your idea there has been a thought lingering for a long time. Have you ever considered that entrepreneurship could be the way to address and solve such issues?
3. Remember to slow down to celebrate your successes!
In the HUBS team, we often remind each other to celebrate success, both in personal achievements and team accomplishments. Whether it’s successful communication or the completion of a major project (such as the Sprint Innovation Festival), it’s important to take the time to celebrate successes! There’s no sense in immediately jumping into the next task once one is successfully completed. None of us is really in that much of a hurry.
When you reach your goals or succeed in something, take a moment to pause and celebrate it. Sometimes surviving a task you dislike deserves acknowledgment and perhaps a toast. This gives you the strength to keep moving forward. <3
Thanks to the HUBS team for a fantastic first year – it feels good to be here!
P.S. We recruit new students for our HUBS Growth Hackers team every spring and fall. If you’re interested in an inspiring and flexible student job, feel free to reach out. Stay updated on our latest updates through social media – both on Instagram and LinkedIn!

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