Future Board Practices
Strategic Thinking | Sustainable Entrepreneurship Studies (TAU.YHT.KEYR)
What is the added value that a board of directors can bring to support company growth and performance?
This course familiarizes you with the principles of how the board of directors work and how the board can be used as a success factor for a company. The meaning of a board will be presented with case examples.
You may have (but no need to have) pre-knowledge of the board work: you may be an entrepreneur or planning to be one in the future.
Please notice that the language of this course is Finnish.

After the course, you can:
- describe the role of board of directors and its responsibilities
- orientate yourself to the future by identifying the consequences that decisions have
- understand the elements of responsible board work
- apply gained knowledge in own decision making e.g. lessons learnt
- recognize own strengths and interest if working as a board member
- know how to interview a board member of his/ her are of responsibility
During the course 7.1.-18.2.2025 sessions on Tuesdays at 12.15-16.00.
We’ll meet at Tampere University City Centre campus, in Lyhty space.
Coaches are experienced specialists and board members from Hallituspartnerit and / or Future Board.
Approved when student can demonstrate via learning diary and dialogue to understand position of the board, roles and tools in leading a company. Student has familiarized herself to the course content both independently and as part of the group (including lectures, company visits and interviews). They can describe in concrete terms the current and future challenges.
Failed if student does not master the value-add, meaning and tools of the board work. Additionally, if they have not participated actively in studying the course content together with the team and independently.
Course information
Credits: 5 ects
Course code: NN00EK62-3007
Study method: Mixed: independent and team work
Experience level: Practice your skills
Location: TAMK, Kauppi
Date: 7.1.–18.2.2025
Period: 3 / 2021-2022
Enrollment: 23.5.–13.12.2024
Organizer: HUBS
Note: This course requires Finnish skills
Tulevaisuuden hallitusosaaminen
TAMK student
Pakki + course code NN00EK62-3007
TAU students
Cross-institutional service + course code NN00EK623007
Problems with Cross-Institutional Service? Check out our video.
Open UAS
This course is also available via Open University of Applied Sciences.
Contact person
Contact person

Kaisa Kokko
Experienced specialist in customer-oriented business and personnel development. Inspiring coach who believes in co-creation, culture of experimentation and design thinking.
Definitely the trip – not always the destination.