Students, partner Ozonium and coaches standing in a row at Platform6.

New perspectives on business

| Partner experience

What did Ozonium gain from participating Go-to-Market Plan course and working with students? How did the students feel about working on a real-life project?

Contact person

Saara Eriksson

Development Specialist, Project Manager @Sprint


Saara wrote this story.

Ozonium, a Finnish cleantech startup based in Tampere participated HUBS’s Go-to-Market Plan course as partner in two executions, in fall 2021 and spring 2022.

Go-to-Market -plan is an 8-week sprint where you will develop ideas from experiment to a concrete and sustainable launching plan – working in a multidisciplinary team together with the idea creator/owner.

Ozonium distributes and markets systems and solutions based on Ozone generation technology. They also offer consultancy services to help companies’ transition to a more ecologic disinfection and cleaning for their facilities.

What were the key learnings for Ozonium?

We learned to communicate our business better, especially to an audience who is not familiar with our industry. Also, to be more effective when working with consultants (in this case, the student group).

We expected to hear ideas about strategies to boost our Social Media presence and build our brand, says Reyver Serna.

It was an interesting experience. Thanks to the million questions, doubts, and tasks they had, we were able to look at our own business from another perspective. It’s a very enriching journey where you need to work with people from fields different than your business areas. Such cooperation helps to see hidden gaps, identify patterns and trends, and discover what makes a great team great.

Founders of Ozonium at their office, holding the company's product in their hands.
Reyver Serna and Iñigo Echeverría
from Ozonium

We learned to communicate our business better, especially to an audience who is not familiar with our industry.

Reyver Serna
COO, Ozononium Oy

For what kind of organizations would you recommend Go-to-Market Plan?

“I would highly recommend startups and small organizations to take part in the course”, says Reyver Serna.

It can be a good test environment where you can try new team dynamics and find out customer niches, as well as to review the business narrative. 

Reyver Serna
COO, Ozononium Oy

Ozonium’s assessment on Go-to-Market Plan course

How satisfied are you…

…with with the way how the students worked?

…with the project outcomes?

…with the collaboration with HUBS coaches?

Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied

The scale of assessment: Very satisfied – Somewhat satisfied – Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied – Somewhat dissatisfied – Very dissatisfied

Key takeaways for Ozonium

What are the next steps for Ozonium?

For now, we will be reviewing and reflecting on the experiences we had with the students. And, of course, put in practice those relevant things pointed out in their reports.

Students, partner Ozonium and coaches standing in a row at Platform6.
Students, Ozoniums’ Iñigo Echeverría and coaches.
Picture: Juline Tu Nguyen

Follow Ozoniums’ journey

Feedback from students

The members of our team worked hard and respected each other’s schedules and had a variety of educational backgrounds, which contributed to making our final work versatile. Our group had a lot of fun together and we learned a lot from one another. 

Yassi Ganjayeva
Team member in a student team who worked with Ozonium
Student team: Pekka, Juline, Yassi, Vijay.
Picture: Juline T.Ng

Here are some highlights on the feedback we have received from students participating Go-to-Market Plan in 2021-2022.

The multinational group was the best part of this course. I had to deal with things comparable to working life – completely in English!

Feedback from a student

I think working with companies on a real project was the best thing. I learnt a lot.

Feedback from a student

 This course is an excellent way to learn about practical 
world and build connections.​

Feedback from a student

A lot of good content. The course succeeded in evoking new ideas/perspectives on entrepreneurship.

Feedback from a student

After reading this, you too would like to participate?

If you’re interested in becoming a partner and working on our go-to-market plan together with a multidisciplinary student team, contact Maria, the coach of our Go-to-Market Plan course.

Contact person

Maria Ruokonen

Team coaching Specialist

Contact me and let’s talk more about the possibilities we have to offer!

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