Summer Internship with Startups
Commercializing a Product or a Service | Design Thinking | Multidisciplinary team skills | Problem Solving | Sales and Marketing | Sustainable Entrepreneurship Studies (TAU.YHT.KEYR) | Working life challenges
Enrollment period for this course has ended.
Would you like to roll up your sleeves and start your summer with practical team experience with local business partners?
Summer Internship with Startups (5-10 ects) is a practical 8-week experience that is executed like a proper internship. You will co-operate and work in a student team together with a local company and their business case. Summer Internship with Startups enables you to develop your expertise, as well as working life and entrepreneurial skills.
Systemic learning
The figure below illustrates the systemic learning used in HUBS studies. In this course, you will not listen passively to lectures, but will produce information, experiment and learn by acting for yourself!

This course focuses on real life business development cases.
- How to turn an idea to create many-sided value?
- Customer centric idea development: learning quickly from success and failures
- How to use digital platforms/tools to evaluate the idea and creating sustainable business?
- Modern sales and marketing
The program is facilitated by a coach/coaches.
The process is:
1) gaining and sharing new information
2) active dialogue
3) experiments (learning by doing)
4) summarizing and reflecting

After the course, you:
- can work together in a multidisciplinary and multicultural team and co-operate with others to develop ideas and turn them into action
- understand the challenge from different stakeholders’ perspectives
- can apply knowledge and modern business development tools
- can identify ideas and opportunities and seize/apply them to a project
- can assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities and actions
- know more about your own strengths and capabilities
- can pitch the solution proposals in English
This course is executed like a proper internship so please prepare to work on weekdays (Monday-Friday), each day from 9 to 15. Book your calendar for this course during 2.5.-21.6.2023.
You can do this course as a normal course or as an internship/practical training. In this case, please contact your degree’s guiding teacher for the internship agreement. NB: The internship will be an agreement between student, guiding teacher and HUBS/ TAMK. The business partner will give the student team a case to work with but won’t be a party in the internship agreement. Students will meet their business case providers in the kick-off session of the program and approximately once a week for 1-2 hours during the program.
Preliminary schedule for joint coaching sessions live in Tampere:
Week 1: Tue 2.5. at 9-15 (kick-off), Thu 4.5. at 13-15 I Place: TAMK main campus H4-07 (Kuntokatu 3)
Week 2: Mon 8.5. at 13-15, Wed 10.5. at 12-14, Thu 11.5. at 13-15 I Place: Tribe Tampere (Platform 6, Åkerlundinkatu 8, 5th floor)
Week 3: Mon 15.5. at 13-15, Wed 17.5. at 13-15, Fri 19.5. at 13-15 I Place: TAMK Proakatemia Stage (Finlaysoninkuja 21 A, 5th floor)
Week 4: Mon 22.5. at 13-15, Wed 24.5. at 13-15, Thu 25.5. at-13-15 I Place: TAMK Proakatemia Stage (Finlaysoninkuja 21 A, 5th floor)
Week 5: Mon 29.5. at 12-14, Wed 31.5. at 13-15, Thu 1.6. at 13-15 I Place: TAMK Proakatemia Stage (Finlaysoninkuja 21 A, 5th floor)
Week 6: Tue 6.6. at 12-14, Wed 7.6. at 13-15, Thu 8.6. at 13-15 I Place: TAMK Proakatemia Stage (Finlaysoninkuja 21 A, 5th floor)
Week 7: Mon 12.6. at 12-14, Wed 14.6. at 13-15, Thu 15.6. at 13-15 I Place: TAMK Proakatemia Stage (Finlaysoninkuja 21 A, 5th floor)
Week 8: Mon 19.6. at 12-14, Tue 20.6. at 9-14 I Place: Tribe Tampere (Platform 6, Åkerlundinkatu 8, 5th floor)
Small changes in the schedule might be possible.
Approved when you have demonstrated commitment and productivity in an 8-week teamwork project. You can do it by showing to understand the assignment, being capable of providing ideas, seeking solutions and making a presentation that is understandable to the team and business partner. You can run an experiment to the business case and can independently describe the occurred development process, its phases and outcome.
Failed if you cannot show commitment to the course activities and teamwork nor describe what was done during the business case development process, its phases, methods and outcome. You have not gained the knowledge required to run a development project
Business partners and cases
Commu is a free mobile app where you can give and ask for and trade help in your nearby area. Commu currently serves as a platform for cooperation between companies and associations. Companies give their employees the opportunity to volunteer and thereby implement the company’s social responsibility goals. For the personnel, this serves as an opportunity for meaningful work and grouping. Associations and organizations that use volunteers use Commu to recruit new volunteers and communicate with customers.
What do we want to find out? How could an employee of a company who volunteers and a customer of an association using Commu meet in the application in a way that enables one-time sparring related to working life? How would the process work in the association/municipality and how would an employee of the company agree on sparring?
VitaMondo Oy is a new Finnish company in the market for dietary supplements and health foods. We are focused on expensive high-quality supplements that are effective, but hard to find. Today we sell our products internationally on our webshop (, but our main focus is to start selling the products to wholesale in Finland, which means S-group and/or Kesko.
We have two key product categories we would like offer the wholesale: 1) healthy organic plant extracts and 2) dietary supplements for longevity and anti-aging. The first category consists of strong extracted premium food supplements, which are available as powders in sealed bags or as capsules in bottles. The second category is essentially a new market category, as most people have neither heard of the products nor the new medical science behind it, and the main products are not yet available in Finland. However, this is a high-growth market and we would like to build the market in Finland.
Wølmark is a clothing company for hikers, committed to inspiring people to enjoy nature and challenge themselves to new heights. We dress hikers with high-quality and multi-purpose alpaca wool that withstands wear and tear.
We want to grow internationally and the first destination is Europe. How can we increase sales and visibility in Europe in a budget-efficient manner?
Course information
Credits: 5-10 ects
Course code: NN00GD82-3001
Study method: Team work
Experience level: Practice your skills
Date: 2.5.–21.6.2023
Enrollment: 17.3.–24.4.2023
Organizer: HUBS
Enrollment period has ended.
Contact person
Contact person

Maria Ruokonen
Team coaching Specialist
Contact person

Jarmo Tuominiemi
I’m a problem solver and developer by heart.
Innovation and co-creation educator and facilitator with a broad industry experience on innovation driven higher education ecosystem leadership and building industry driven business-university collaboration on global scale.