Sprint Innovation Festival
Design Thinking | Multidisciplinary team skills | Problem Solving | Prototyping and Testing | Sustainable Entrepreneurship Studies (TAU.YHT.KEYR) | Working life challenges
Want to test your skills with a real-life challenge, working with a multidisciplinary team? The best week of your studies awaits in March!
Enrollment for Sprint 2025 has ended. You can inquire about available spots from sprint@tuni.fi.
Sprint Innovation Festival is built to create opportunities for innovative ideas and businesses and enhance students’ innovation and entrepreneurial skills. This is possible together with brave partners who want to be involved in building a sustainable future.
Welcome to Sprint Innovation Festival 2025!
Sprint is for all students of the Tampere higher education community. The event language is English. In spring 2025, the event will be held from March 5th to March 14th, 2025 in Tampere University of Applied Sciences premises.
Limited seats!
We have a limited amount of seats – only 120 students will get to participate in 2025.

Sprint Innovation Festival is an intensive learning event during which you will work as a team with your student colleagues in different fields. Together you will create innovative solutions to real-life challenges presented by a group of different companies and organizations. The best solutions will be awarded, so the event also has a competitive edge but not too seriously – we want you to have fun while working!
The event is focused on sustainability in its three dimensions: economic, social, and ecological. Coaches, professionals, and working life representatives guide you through the innovation process with a variety of methods and tools inspired by The Lean Startup methodology.
On the event’s Final day, every team presents their solution to a partner panel that gives feedback to the teams. Winners are awarded in the Final Gala.
You will earn three credits by participating in the first two weeks of the event and the After Sprint. The optional “add-on” for Sprint, worth two additional credits (a total of 5 credits), requires continuing team or independent work on the online platform.
After attending the Sprint Innovation Festival, you can:
- initiate and carry out an agile, customer-oriented innovation process
- think creatively and develop your ideas into a solution
- act as a team player in a multidisciplinary team
- create a pitch and sell ideas to customers
- demonstrate you have practical experience in cooperating with working life partners
By enrolling to Sprint 2025, you must commit to the following schedules:
5.3.2025 Kick off: Online, Zoom and Howspace
6.-10.3.2025 Independent teamwork, Online, Howspace
11.-14.3.2025 SPRINT Innovation Festival on Campus @TAMK (From 8:00 or 9:00 until 16:00)
27.3.2025 After SPRINT, Online (1 hour)
Approved when you have demonstrated to be involved and committed to each Sprint Innovation Festival -day in an active manner, e.g., you can study and work both independently and as a member of the team. You can provide ideas, prototype, and validate the solutions, present your suggestions and give/ receive feedback. You can independently describe the complete innovation process, its phases, and its outcome.
Failed if you have missed more than one day out of the four without replacing the hours in an agreed manner (e.g., covering the work by independent working hours). Failed if you do not actively participate in activities before Sprint (forming a team), during the ideation phase, and in the after-Sprint activity.
Fail may occur if you cannot describe what you and your team accomplished during the innovation process, its phases, methods, and outcome.
Course information
Credits: 3-5 ects
Course code: NN00FH28-3008
Study method: Team work
Experience level: Practice your skills
Location: TAMK, Kauppi
Date: 5.3.–27.3.2025
Period: 4 / 2025
Enrollment: 2.12.2024–16.2.2025
Organizer: HUBS
TAMK student
Pakki + course code NN00FH28-3008
TAU students
Cross-institutional service + course code NN00FH28-3008
Note that enrolling does not guarantee your seat – you will get a confirmation at a later time.
Problems with Cross-Institutional Service? Check out our video.
Contact person
Contact person

Saara Eriksson
Development Specialist, Project Manager @Sprint
I’m in charge of the best study week of the year, Sprint Innovation Festival!
Also developing the HUBS brand and communications: aiming for the revolution of good entrepreneurship!