Management Board Practices
Strategic Thinking
What is the added value that a board of directors can bring to support company growth and performance?
This course is intended for students who are interested in the role of a company board and in gaining new perspectives on the management of the functions and responsibilities of a board. The course will not only offer you practical insights that will help you develop your own business but also help you reflect on the possibility of joining a board of directors at some point in your career.
Experienced specialists and board members from Hallituspartnerit and Future Board will serve as coaches during all the face-to-face classes.
The themes covered will include:
- a board’s role in company management: roles, responsibilities, added value;
- the role of a board at different stages of the company lifecycle;– the role of a board in building and implementing a company strategy;
- successful board: diversity, interaction and decision-making; – board of a startup company: challenges at different stages of the startup lifecycle;
- strategic anticipation; – practical insights: interviews with board members of Finnish companies.
To pass the course, you must complete a learning diary/other written report and engage in classroom discussions to demonstrate your understanding of the role and responsibilities of a board of directors and the mechanisms whereby a board can influence the management of a company. You will be expected to familiarise yourself with the course themes both independently and during the group sessions (literature, lectures, company visits, interviews) and to provide concrete examples of the current and future challenges facing company boards.
A student will receive a failing grade if they are unable to demonstrate an understanding of the added value that a board can bring to a company, the significance of a board and the mechanisms by which a board can influence company management. A student may also fail the course if he or she does not actively participate in discussing and analyzing the themes.
Course information
Credits: 5 ects
Course code: NN00EK62-3003
Study method: Mixed: independent and team work
Experience level: Start with these
Location: Online
Date: 11.1.–30.4.2021
Period: 3/2021
Enrollment: 1.11.2020–6.2.2021
Organizer: HUBS
Note: This course requires Finnish skills
TAMK students: Pakki
TAU students: Cross-institutional service
The course code is: NN00EK62-3003.
Contact person
Contact person
Marika Vuorenmaa
Team Leader
Enabler in heart and encourager by nature. I believe in building common entrepreneurial culture among TAMK and Tampere University.
A true optimist.