Stunning yet impactful? That is so RARE – the story of the rising media startup star born in Tampere
What can a bunch of young creative minds do when they combine their efforts? Well, they can start a revolution or at least they can launch something ground-breaking, inspiring, truly meaningful – something RARE.
That was how the journey of Vilma Rimpelä, an arts student, began, and just a couple of years later she woke up being a CEO of a growing media company backed by €250,000 funding.
In entrepreneurship, success stories are no fairytales – such stories arise from a strong vision, unstoppable determination, daring imagination, hard work as well as meeting the right people at the right time and grabbing all relative opportunities.
The masterminds behind RARE media company are a perfect example of just that.
From different backgrounds into a team
They were a group of friends of different backgrounds – journalism, media, arts, social activism – who once met in Tampere 2018 and decided to do something together “because why not”. As Vilma admits that period “was a mess but they didn’t give up”.
An innovation contest became the turning point
The turning point was a 6 months-long Helsingin Sanomain Säätiö’s innovation contest on new media and journalism, which they won in October 2019. The victory didn’t not only bring them money – a quarter of a million euros – but also a crystallized business vision of building a sustainable future with the media tools. In January 2020, RARE media company was officially launched.
Entrepreneurship is tough, yet exiting
If it was a fairytale we could probably stop here and raise a glass of champagne to the happy ending but again this is a tough, yet exciting, world of entrepreneurship we are talking about. Thus, the story continues with turning the passions of these young talents into business, creating content and events, testing revenue models and lots of learning from mentors.
Inspiration from the UN’s Agenda 2030
In addition, they ran a number of impactful campaigns inspired by the UN’s Agenda 2030 that resulted into exhibitions and stunning Instagram and TikTok images, texts and videos on mental struggles of the youth, climate change issues and diverse media. The plan for 2021 is to launch a RARE X Diversity – handbook and their own YouTube channel, onboard more partners and collaborate on more projects.
And isn’t it amazing to see your dream becoming your present as well as the future of the world? That is why entrepreneurship is so rewarding when you dare, when you challenge, when you push and achieve your goals in tune with your teammates’ passion and for the benefits of the planet and the humankind.
Vilma Rimpelä
Vilma Rimpelä was interviewed by Margarita, one of HUBS Growth Hackers.

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