Mariana – part of the HUBS team as a student

| Student experience

What is it like to be part of HUBS?

Contact person

Pauliina Waters

Writer & interviewer

Who are you?

My name is Mariana, I am originally from Mexico and have been living in Tampere, Finland for the past four years. 

What have you done at HUBS?

Before I joined the student activator team (now called Growth Hackers) in 2018, I had already joined many of HUBS events and courses. As a student activator at HUBS, I focused my efforts on the organization of events, for example ‘Learning from Failure’ and ‘International Rekry’, which both got positive feedback from students.

I think entrepreneurship is not only the act of starting a business but a mentality. It requires pro-activeness and willingness to get out there and test your idea.

Mariana Perez about entrepreneurship

Where are you heading next?

I’m currently studying my Master’s in Human Technology Interaction aiming at becoming a Product Designer.

Tell something about your journey at HUBS

During my time as a Student Activator, I learned that HUBS was part of something bigger in Tampere: a whole startup and entrepreneurship ecosystem that keeps growing. HUBS is one of the first contacts students have to entrepreneurship, startups and innovation. Students are problem solvers and while they are learning about new topics it is one of the best times to build new ideas.

Mariana took part in building the new images for HUBS and you can spot her from our materials. Thank you Mariana for joining the revolution of sustainable entrepreneurship!


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