Let’s talk good about work!
The Yritteliäs Tampere network, based in Tampere, organizes an all-encompassing working life week for all educational levels during week 36. The theme for the year 2023 is “Speak Well of Work”. Read the story and explore how solo entrepreneur Jussi, coaching entrepreneurs Mona and Marianne and Minni working at the MorrowX startup, speak well of their work!
Today, those who spoke well of good work were:

What has been the best part in your job?
Of course, we’ll start with the most iconic question: What do the respondents consider the best part of their work?
Mind Me‘s Mona describes her entrepreneurship as follows: “I’ve had the opportunity to pursue what I see as important largely on my own terms. The good thing about entrepreneurship is that I’ve been able to regulate work and life without being accountable to a boss. Marianne and I have such similar ways when it comes to work ethics and building our daily routines, so it’s easy to navigate.”

Mona’s entrepreneurship partner, Marianne, also emphasizes the value of the support from a beloved teammate and their compatibility. She states that she wouldn’t have become an entrepreneur alone, saying, “Having a business partner with a similar set of values is one of the most important aspects of entrepreneurship”.
Jussi, who founded Aika Hyvä Oy, approaches the big question in the following way: “Almost all entrepreneurs cite freedom as the best part of entrepreneurship. It’s undeniable, in my opinion, but what does it practically mean?” Jussi is correct because many entrepreneurs truly appreciate the flexibility that entrepreneurship brings. For Jussi, the freedom of entrepreneurship means the freedom to choose: “An entrepreneur must have a sufficient level of expertise in a vast array of skills, but from the long list, they can also choose their areas of specialization. For a significant part of the week, I can focus deeply on those few things that I truly enjoy and am excited about.”
Minni, currently working at the MorrowX startup, wants to highlight the dynamism of working in a startup. She notes, “You almost never know what the next day will bring, and that’s the exciting part.”
You can create a successful company by doing a good job in ten things and doing an exceptionally great job in just a few things.
What elements or things in your daily life bring you joy and well-being?
Minni mentions that at MorrowX, the main sources of joy and well-being are the shared determination to change the world. She emphasizes the common agenda and the powerful sense of community: “As strange as it may sound, I believe we draw strength from the fact that there still isn’t enough being done regarding climate change and related issues, and that oddly unites us. I would say it’s the clearest sign that we are all here because our values align to the extent that the state of the world concerns us, and we want to do something about it.”
Mona also highlights the significant role of the emotional support she receives from Marianne. She says, “It would be quite daunting to go through this alone.” Both stress the flexibility, freedom, and mutual understanding in their current teamwork and entrepreneurship. “Humor is one of our driving forces; these tasks shouldn’t be taken too seriously,” Marianne adds.
We also want to shake up the outdated stereotypes about entrepreneurship, and for both of us, that doesn’t mean enduring endless and all-consuming workdays or compromising our well-being.
For Jussi, joy and energy come primarily from social interaction. As a solo entrepreneur, he engages in conversations with his clients that would typically occur only after a long acquaintance in everyday life. What brings him great joy are excellent customer feedback and testimonials: “Sometimes, I’m truly amazed by the life transformations shared in the feedback from genuinely enthusiastic clients, where they feel their lives have changed completely. From a trainer’s perspective, it’s always humbling and memorable,” he shares.

What good has your current job brought into your life?
All the interviewees mentioned that entrepreneurship or their current job has brought many new skills into their lives. For example, Minni’s developed skills are related to sustainability knowledge, while Mona emphasizes the most common and critically important skills for today’s life: “Entrepreneurship provides skills that are useful in various aspects of life: This world is undergoing significant changes, so skills like resilience, salesmanship, and creative problem-solving are just a few abilities I’ve been able to refine along the way.”
Jussi is especially grateful for his friends and the motivated, self-driven people around him. Marianne also highlights the expanded network they’ve gained through Mind Me. Additionally, Marianne mentions that being an entrepreneur has instilled a belief that one can overcome many challenges.

I’ve been able to use [what I’ve learned] to promote something useful not only for my personal benefit but also for a greater cause beyond just pursuing profit. I believe that all members of our team feel this way to a greater or lesser extent.
What direction would you like to see the development of the working life take?
Regarding this question, Mona, Marianne, Minni, and Jussi’s answers are largely aligned. They all desire more humanity, kindness, and sustainability in the future of work.
Minni remarks, “As a society, we should also pause and consider the ethos of eternal growth that we promote everywhere: what are we actually trying to achieve with it? Could we, overall, get by with less?”
As a time management coach, Jussi feels that he is already engaged in work that involves active efforts to build a better working life. His training allows workplaces to reflect on their current situation. “Open discussions are challenging amid work pressures. I maintain the importance of conversation and enable collective reflection for everyone,” he says. Although Minni and Jussi have different work environments, they both play a role in the transformation of the working world, just like Marianne and Mona too. Marianne also hopes that “humanity and collaboration will be valued even more as technology simplifies many aspects of work.”
Finally, some lessons and observations for the readers:
If you aspire to be a team leader or trainer, don’t hesitate to request the opportunity from your boss to plan and lead a session for your team. This way, you can gradually acquire the necessary skills and determine if you even enjoy what you’ve been dreaming of. Through experimentation, you’ll discover engaging, profitable, and meaningful pursuits for yourself.
Every workplace has the potential to contribute to the climate and sustainability! It’s just a matter of changing your perspective. 😉
I encourage you to create a work life that suits you and seek out things that ignite a spark within yourself. Yet, always remember that probably all work can sometimes feel quite ordinary, and that’s perfectly okay too.
My recommendation for anyone interested in entrepreneurship is to connect with like-minded individuals and entrepreneurs. Through discussions, your perspective will grow, and you may discover opportunities that would be quite challenging or even impossible to find through online research alone.
A big thank you for sharing your thoughts for this story, Jussi, Mona, Marianne, and Minni!
The story has been written by Ira from HUBS.

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