Cristina and Sara sitting on a vehicle and smiling at the camera.

HUBS Scholarship: Three stars and a wish

| Entrepreneurial journey, Grant Experiments, Student experience

When the HUBS scholarship announcement came in May 2022, New Education Horizons’ business idea had already gone through the HUBS Pre-accelerator. The scholarship offered a way forward to the team of two Educational Leadership master level students. Read what is their wish for 2023.

New Education Horizons’s, NEdHo’s, goal is to offer extended reality (XR) education consultancy to businesses and design highly interactive online virtual reality (VR) language courses for students all over the world without space or time limitations.

Scholarship enabling next steps

As both my business partner and I are educators and MEL students at TAMK we are versed into the didactic and pedagogical approach but have limited IT competences. The HUBS Scholarship money came as the magic wishing star and enabled us to do three things:

Experimenting VR Learning environment

In the 6 VR learning environments designed, two high school students based in the US did immersive comprehension activities, learned grammar, pronunciation and created their own stories or roleplays in French while their teacher was hundreds of kilometers away, in Europe.

We discovered that being immersed in the VR space of the story helps students better understand the meaning of new words, that grammar is easier to grasp when you are manipulating the concepts in VR and that roleplay is much more interactive and fun when you are in a VR simulation.

Illustrative picture
VR space

Now NEdHo testing phase continues. As requested by our first customer, an American online school, we are developing a mixed French curriculum which combines VR lessons with 2D asynchronous activities.

Illustrative picture
VR space

Looking for a new team member

This year NEdHo achieved a lot but still wishes for an IT and a marketing member to join our team. So, if you think that VR is the future of education and you are good with IT or marketing, now it’s time to write at, jump in the NEdHo spaceship and take education to the infinity and beyond!

Cristina and Sara sitting on a vehicle and smiling at the camera.
Cristian Obae and Sara Ban Ammar

This story was written by Cristina Obae & Sara Ban Ammar.

Thank you Cristina and Sara for sharing your story!

Interested in testing your own idea?

Check out HUBS Pre-incubator (worth 5 credits) and join us!


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