Woman stands outside, small colourful cottages in the background

Entrepreneurship isn’t scary: Marika’s journey at HUBS

| Student experience

What was it like to be part of HUBS?

Contact person

Pauliina Waters

Writer & interviewer

Who are you?

I am Marika Annila, recently graduated Master of Philosophy, who works in marketing and communication in the energy and industrial fields. Right now, I’m interested in climbing, snowboarding and ice swimming, and I’m dreaming of a hiking trip to Alaska.

What have you done at HUBS?

I got work a lot in marketing during my time at HUBS, for example while organizing events. The events varied from small workshops aimed at students, to bigger seminars for companies and professionals. I was also organizing the Y-foorumi in 2019. 

What do you think about entrepreneurship?

A lot of my family members and close relatives are entrepreneurs and I have always admired them. I don’t see entrepreneurship as a scary thing and I think that my own career path could lean towards that direction. I also think that entrepreneurship can be experienced in another company, when you get to develop your own skills and knowledge, and you get appreciated because of it.

Where are you heading next?

I will develop my own knowledge and skills in impactful communication and digital marketing. The development and innovations of energy and industrial fields are in a big role, regarding a sustainable future, and I want to be part of influencing that with my skills and knowledge.

My journey at HUBS has definitely been the most multidisciplinary time of my study years and I got a broad understanding of what our university can actually offer.

Marika Annila about HUBS

Marika took part in building the new images for HUBS and you can spot her from our materials. Thank you Marika for joining the revolution of sustainable entrepreneurship!


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