BootCamp as a tool to build teams.
As you know, every year, HUBS forms a new student team using the Growth BootCamp as a tool to build up teams. Today we are happy to present the new team that will create a path between the students and the community of Tampere and HUBS to understand more about entrepreneurship, circular economy, teams, and many other ideas that are going on in our minds.
In 2020 the Growth BootCamp made a new team assembling 12 persons for two days at Tampere University. On the first day, we introduced ourselves and what we think about entrepreneurship life. HUBS also presented itself, displaying teams, green economy, the course offering, and several things more. We did tasks raizing then as a team, co-creating with other students. We were divided into small groups and talked about the presentations that we observed. In this way, we attend to create a path that we could teach ourselves about what we learn from it—In between, we aimed to generate more questions and practices to achieve results that we might expect. Through this process, we acquire many more things, for example, building or re-build trust in a team.
Growth BootCamp as a tool
The HUBS staff helped us to rediscover ourselves in the BootCamp. They broke some old ideas with scientific facts as allied. The HUBS team is genuinely inspiring, promoting acceptable practices in the market, not only through inspiration and learning but also through innovation systems as the circular economy. These are a few reasons why you should know more about HUBS and the Growth BootCamp! In these two days, we could understand more about the “Process” and build trust as a critical factor for team learning.

Welcome Growth Hackers!
The team made this year from the Boot Camp participants is formed by Margarita, Noora, Gustavo, Essi, Alp and Maria. Welcome hackers!
Contact person

Alp Bingol
Growth Hacker
Senior Master’s in Electrical Engineering. Partner Communications in Growth Hacker Team.
Strenghts: Organisation, planning, communication.
Contact person

Gustavo Juber
Growth Hacker
1st year media and art student, photographer and cinematographer.
Team PR in the Growth Hacker team.
Contact person

Essi Viertola
Growth Hacker
Assistant team leader of the Growth Hackers and second year lifelong learning and education student.
I believe in kindness, positivity and authenticity. My active and curious attitude guarantees that I find myself continuously in my uncomfort zone – and usually eventually enjoying it.
Contact person

Margarita Khartanovich
Growth Hacker
Contact person

Maria Kukkula
Growth Hacker
Team leader of the Growth Hacker team and second year biomedical engineering student.
A brave spirit always ready for new adventures and eagerly involved even in the craziest ideas.
Contact person

Noora Jääskö
SPRINT | Volunteer Coordinator
We aim for a straightforward way into entrepreneurship between Tampere’s student community and Y-Kampus facilities, displaying courses and helping to develop students in their path. The team name changed to Growth Hackers – We assure you that this is not the only thing that changed; we will keep doing it the same as the previous team, even though these challenging times.
We are here for you.
If you are concerned about your community and big topics as entrepreneurship, sustainability, circular economy, and you want to know how to help, we can find these paths together. We are here to learn and construct a new way of developing business and environment for ourselves and our working life. Build bridges is what we do! Felt interested? We are more than happy to give you a good and friendly hug! (only online for now, sorry)
Stay safe, have fun, and be welcome to talk with us.

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