HUBS Scholarship grantees are published

HUBS Scholarship had 50 applications from various study fields. The grantees have now been selected!

Students working on campus

To celebrate HUBS’s 10th anniversary and our principle of Be good, Do good, we wanted to support our students and encourage them to take the next step in making their idea come true. That is why we launched HUBS Scholarship.

50 ideas, 31 already operating businesses

We received 50 potential ideas – 28 from Tampere University and 22 from TAMK. 31 of these were already running businesses.

We were very delighted to see that entrepreneurial spirit can be found in our community in a multidisciplinary way. Among those applying for HUBS Scholarship were students from fields such as literature, psychology, political research, responsible business, industrial engineering, computer science, entrepreneurship and team management, media, medical care and fine arts.

Congratulations for the grantees!

The jury looked for diversity, sustainability, potential to grow and make an impact.

The following 5 ideas will be granted with a 1000€ scholarship:

  1. Share & Save service, Murrost Oy
  2. Peacebuilding hackathon for Ukraine
  3. Platform for mental health services, Brightlife Oy (learn more through this link, Finnish only)
  4. Immersive language courses with virtual technology
  5. Ticketing and reselling with NFT-technology,

Warm congratulations to you all!

Experiments to be shared in autumn

HUBS team wishes the best of luck to all of the individuals and teams who shared their dreams and plans in the process. We continue to support the development of entrepreneurial skills for students from all fields through sparring, mentoring and studies.

TAMK Support Foundation’s new Sustainable Entrepreneurship Grant will open for applications for TAMK students in August-September 2022. More information about this in the intra after the holidays.