Black and lilac clothes assembled in round shape

HUBSpiration Stories – Case Rekki

Online | 12.5.2021 | 14:00-15:00

Sustainability in entrepreneurship and investment

Come and join our HUBSpiration Stories with an inspiring visitor, Bertta Häkkinen, the founder and CEO of Rekki.

Bertta is a Tampere alumni, graduated in 2009 from TAMK Media Production.

Bertta is also a HUBS mentor who helps the students of Tampere Universities via HUBS Mentoring.

The story of Rekki in a nutshell

Rekki was founded in 2015 by the colleagues Bertta and Tero who pondered together the future of trade. They noticed that Finland is lacking a service that would make both selling and buying re-used clothing of good quality and good condition easy and effortless.

Already testing the idea it was clear that this type of service has a lot of demand and so Rekki was born!

Get to know Rekki on their website (in Finnish)

HUBSpiration Stories 12th of May

Bertta is going to share us her thoughts and experiences on sustainable entrepreneurship, responsible investing, crowdfunding and building a startup. It’s going to be a very interesting hour – enroll in advance and join this HUBSpiration session!


Contact person

Kaisa Kokko


+358 50 337 3259

Contact Kaisa if you have any questions about this event!