Summer Studies 2025

At HUBS, you can also take up to 17 credits worth of studies during the summer! Here you can find all the important information regarding the implementation of summer studies.

HUBS Summer Studies 2025

Our familiar 24H Online Library one-credit modules and the 5-credit Foundations of Entrepreneurship course are available during summer. Check our course offerings from the course calendar. The courses can be completed online at your own pace!

Follow the instructions for each course. By completing the course carefully, you’ll avoid requests for additional information and can receive credits faster.

Take these 4 things into account during summer:

  1. University (TAU) student: The Cross-study service will close on 30.5.2025. Apply for cross-study rights before that! This is the last academic year, when our studies can also be taken without cross-study rights, but credits cannot be obtained without it. The service will reopen in August.
  2. There will be delays in the review of studies during the summer. Some of our coaches will be absent starting from the second week of June, while others are absent only during July. You will receive your study credits on time when the coach returns in August.
  3. The current Moodle areas for the ongoing academic year will remain open until August 31st. Please complete your course assignments before this date!
  4. Our general email address,, will be on vacation as well, the dates will be updated closer to the summer.

Each of our online courses has its own Moodle platform, where you can start your studies right away with the course code!

To the course calendar!

Have a great summer!
T: HUBS team