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Event Speakers 2022

Minna Koskelo

Futures Designer


Minna Koskelo is a forerunner in future design in Finland. In her thinking, she combines foresight thinking, service design and human sciences.
In Sprint, Minna explains how and why the future is taken into account in the solutions!

Titus van der Spek

Expert & lecturer

Titus van der Spek is an expert and lecturer in social entrepreneurship and business management at The Hague.

In Sprint, Titus gives you the keys to understanding and defining the problem!

Jani Turku

CEO & Ideator


Jani is the CEO of Ideapakka and an ideator. He coaches facilitation and creativity and helps organizations function better in everyday life.
In Sprint, Jani challenges students to come up with ideas!

Mika Yrjölä

University lecturer


Mika is a university lecturer in marketing at Tampere University. He’s research topics are strategic marketing, including value propositions, business models, capabilities, and customer orientation.
In Sprint, Mika opens up insights into customer understanding!

Cristian Burr Raty

Industrial Designer

Cristian is an Industrial Designer from Diego Portales University (UDP) in Chile. He is an Entrepreneurship coach, mentoring countless student startups, and a Digital Fabrication Teacher, bringing ideas to life.
In Sprint, Cristian guides students in prototyping!

Raúl Berlanga Zarate



Raúl is an entrepreneurship and team learning coach. He is a strong generalist and intrapreneur who acts smartly but lazily, in other words, in a startup-like manner.

In Sprint, Raúl gives the students tips on how to build a pitch!